Urza's Legacy

#НазваниеВ наличииЦена
1Angelic Curator0-
2Blessed Reversal3от 50р.
3Burst of Energy0-
5Defender of Law0-
6Devout Harpist0-
8Expendable Troops0-
9Hope and Glory3от 25р.
10Iron Will0-
11Karmic Guide0-
12Knighthood1от 25р.
13Martyr's Cause1от 25р.
14Mother of Runes0-
15Opal Avenger4от 50р.
16Opal Champion0-
17Peace and Quiet4от 25р.
18Planar Collapse2от 100р.
19Purify4от 50р.
20Radiant, Archangel4от 1800р.
21Radiant's Dragoons0-
22Radiant's Judgment0-
23Sustainer of the Realm1от 25р.
24Tragic Poet0-
25Anthroplasm3от 100р.
27Aura Flux7от 50р.
28Bouncing Beebles0-
29Cloud of Faeries1от 4000р.
30Delusions of Mediocrity3от 100р.
31Fleeting Image3от 100р.
32Frantic Search2от 4500р.
34King Crab0-
36Miscalculation7от 90р.
37Opportunity4от 25р.
38Palinchron4от 4500р.
39Raven Familiar0-
40Rebuild4от 100р.
41Second Chance2от 500р.
42Slow Motion0-
44Thornwind Faeries0-
46Vigilant Drake0-
47Walking Sponge2от 25р.
48Weatherseed Faeries0-
49Bone Shredder1от 40р.
50Brink of Madness5от 50р.
51Engineered Plague0-
52Eviscerator5от 100р.
53Fog of Gnats0-
54Giant Cockroach0-
55Lurking Skirge4от 60р.
56No Mercy1от 1500р.
58Phyrexian Broodlings0-
59Phyrexian Debaser0-
60Phyrexian Defiler0-
61Phyrexian Denouncer0-
62Phyrexian Plaguelord4от 90р.
63Phyrexian Reclamation2от 500р.
64Plague Beetle0-
65Rank and File6от 25р.
66Sick and Tired0-
67Sleeper's Guile0-
68Subversion4от 250р.
70Tethered Skirge2от 25р.
71Treacherous Link3от 25р.
73About Face0-
74Avalanche Riders0-
75Defender of Chaos0-
76Ghitu Fire-Eater1от 25р.
77Ghitu Slinger0-
78Ghitu War Cry1от 25р.
79Goblin Medics0-
80Goblin Welder0-
81Granite Grip0-
82Impending Disaster3от 50р.
83Last-Ditch Effort0-
84Lava Axe0-
85Molten Hydra2от 50р.
87Pygmy Pyrosaur0-
88Pyromancy5от 75р.
89Rack and Ruin8от 50р.
90Rivalry5от 50р.
91Shivan Phoenix2от 90р.
93Viashino Bey0-
94Viashino Cutthroat7от 100р.
95Viashino Heretic0-
96Viashino Sandscout0-
97Bloated Toad1от 25р.
98Crop Rotation0-
99Darkwatch Elves1от 25р.
100Defense of the Heart2от 2000р.
101Deranged Hermit0-
102Gang of Elk4от 25р.
103Harmonic Convergence1от 25р.
104Hidden Gibbons4от 350р.
105Lone Wolf1от 25р.
106Might of Oaks0-
107Multani, Maro-Sorcerer0-
108Multani's Acolyte0-
109Multani's Presence2от 100р.
112Silk Net0-
113Simian Grunts0-
114Treefolk Mystic0-
115Weatherseed Elf0-
116Weatherseed Treefolk1от 250р.
117Wing Snare3от 25р.
118Yavimaya Granger0-
119Yavimaya Scion0-
120Yavimaya Wurm0-
121Angel's Trumpet0-
122Beast of Burden0-
123Crawlspace1от 900р.
124Damping Engine0-
125Defense Grid0-
126Grim Monolith0-
127Iron Maiden0-
128Jhoira's Toolbox3от 25р.
129Memory Jar3от 5000р.
130Quicksilver Amulet2от 600р.
131Ring of Gix3от 350р.
132Scrapheap1от 150р.
133Thran Lens6от 100р.
134Thran War Machine1от 25р.
135Thran Weaponry2от 100р.
136Ticking Gnomes0-
137Urza's Blueprints0-
138Wheel of Torture0-
139Faerie Conclave4от 150р.
140Forbidding Watchtower0-
141Ghitu Encampment1от 60р.
142Spawning Pool0-
143Treetop Village2от 180р.